Las Cruces, a neighborhood in the center of Bogotá which has been characterized over the years for containing a significant amount of heritage buildings on its streets, which have managed to keep in its walls the priceless memories of a past marked by violence and that has provided a historical value to the city is now a marginalized sector near the center of Bogotá.
The concept of Panopticon is given through the connecting axis and traction center that generates the main Church of the square, even beyond Av. Los Comuneros, an avenue that limits, segregates and fragments the relationship of the neighborhood with the rest of the city. An intervention polygon of Approx of 8 hectares is chosen and the planned intervention for the area is carried out.
The concept of Panopticon is given through the connecting axis and traction center that generates the main Church of the square, even beyond Av. Los Comuneros, an avenue that limits, segregates and fragments the relationship of the neighborhood with the rest of the city. An intervention polygon of Approx of 8 hectares is chosen and the planned intervention for the area is carried out.
Desing: Diana Carolina López Morales, Paola Katherine Gonzalez, Ana Maria Pulido y Paola Andrea VG