Desing team: Giovanni Moreno Arquitectos S.A.S

Arq. Giovanni Moreno 
Arq. Xilena Vega 
Arq. Paola Andrea VG

The design team focused on the design of a house that adapts to the wind conditions of the region, since it is recognized for having the strongest winds thanks to its geographical location.

Being located in a hot climate, the main idea is that it is ventilated all the time without an electric ventilation system. But rather that it be natural all day and all night, that's where its curved shape comes from.

The furniture was also designed by the design team and the materiality / exterior envelope lends itself to being a cool place during hot seasons.

One of the main materials for making furniture and outdoor areas is guadua, the reason being to be able to combat the carbon footprint generated when using another type of material. It is important to emphasize that the project lends itself in all its splendor to being as ecological as possible.

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